
In Spain there are several types of pork, each with its own characteristics and used mainly for the production of different meat products. The most common types of pigs in Spain are:

  1. Iberian pork: it is a native breed of Spain and is considered of high quality. The Iberian pig feeds mainly on acorns and its meat is highly prized for its unique flavor and aroma. It is mainly used for the production of Iberian ham, loins and chorizos.
  2. White pork: it is a very common breed in Spain and is characterized by very lean and white meat. The white pig is mainly used for the production of Serrano ham and slices of York ham.
  3. Black pig: it is a breed of pig native to Asturias and is characterized by a thick black skin and very tasty meat. The black pig is mainly used for the production of high quality sausages and cured meats.
  4. Duroc pork: it is a breed of pork originating in the United States and is characterized by its very juicy and marbled meat. Duroc pork is mainly used for the production of ham and loin.

In summary, in Spain there is a great variety of pig breeds, each with its own characteristics and used mainly for the production of different meat products.