
Within the Iberian hams there are differences, in this case classified on the basis of the percentage of Iberian breed and the type of feed of the pig.

Iberian ham according to percentage of Iberian breed
This type of classification is governed by the genetics of the animal’s breed:

100% Iberian: Based on the genealogical book of the breed, both the father and the mother are 100% certified Iberian breed.

75% Iberian: In order to have this label, the mother will be 100% certified Iberian breed but the father will be 50% Iberian.

50% Iberian: In this case, the mother will be 100% certified Iberian, but the father will be 100% Duroc.

Iberian ham according to its diet
In this case, the classification becomes more relevant, since the diet and the way in which the Iberian pig has been fed directly determines its flavor, aroma and texture.

In this way, the regulations regulate the following groups:

Acorn: Iberian pigs feed exclusively on grass and acorns, in total freedom in the pasture for at least 2 months (montanera). It must be cured for a minimum of 24 months. At César Nieto, our 100% Iberian acorn-fed acorn-fed ham is cured for 36 months.

Cebo en campo ibérico: In this case, although they do enjoy some time in the pasture, they are also fed with cereal feed. In our online store you can find this type of hams with a curing period of more than 30 months.

Cebo: Cebo Iberian ham has been fed with cereal feed and raised in a shed. Being the most inferior within these three classifications, but without renouncing to an exceptional quality.