
The montanera is the feeding period of the Iberian pig during which it feeds exclusively on acorns, which is a fruit of the cork oak or holm oak. The “montanera” begins when the leaves of the cork oak or holm oak have fallen and the acorns are ripe and within reach and usually lasts until the end of winter.

During the montanera, the Iberian pig feeds exclusively on acorns and is allowed to move freely in the fields, which allows it to accumulate fat in a natural way. This fat is evenly distributed throughout the body of the pig and gives the meat a unique flavor and aroma.

The “montanera” is a very important period in the production of Iberian ham, since feeding on acorns is one of the factors that determines the quality and flavor of the ham. For this reason, the “montanera” is a key element in the production of high quality Iberian ham.