

The ideal storage temperature for Iberian ham

If you’ve made it this far, you probably already have your Cesar Nieto Iberian Ham at home or you are thinking of buying one and you are concerned about one of the most important issues when it comes to consuming the product in optimal conditions: What is the ideal storage temperature for Iberian ham?

Iberian ham is a jewel with unequalled organoleptic characteristics, as well as an unmistakable aroma and flavor. To preserve all these properties, it must be kept at temperatures that are neither too high nor too low.

Being a cured food, Iberian ham does not cause major headaches when it comes to preserving it, and its main ally to maintain all its flavor and texture properties is the cold. According to experts, the optimum temperature for preserving our pieces of Iberian ham is between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius.

This makes it very easy to store it correctly in the cool months and we will only have to temper it when we are going to serve it. As we have mentioned in other articles, if we want to preserve the oily texture that characterizes Iberian ham, we should try to consume it at a stable temperature of between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.

But what happens when it’s hot? During warm seasons it is easier to temper the ham for consumption, but it is more complicated to keep it fresh. It is necessary to be careful that the product does not exceed 25 degrees, levels at which it will begin to sweat and lose fat, the most precious part of the product. In addition, storage at high temperatures will not only damage many of its nutritional properties, but its flavor will be severely affected. To ensure its correct preservation, you can consult our post on how to preserve Iberian ham in summer.

Finally, another important tip for preserving Iberian ham is not to subject it to sudden changes in temperature. In order not to alter any of its properties, it is necessary to give it the time it needs to temper and the care it requires during storage.

Now that you have your César Nieto Iberian ham preserved in the best way, you only have to create the occasion to enjoy the unique experience of tasting it.

The ideal storage temperature for Iberian ham

If you’ve made it this far, you probably already have your Cesar Nieto Iberian Ham at home or you are thinking of buying one and you are concerned about one of the most important issues when it comes to consuming the product in optimal conditions: What is the ideal storage temperature for Iberian ham?

Iberian ham is a jewel with unequalled organoleptic characteristics, as well as an unmistakable aroma and flavor. To preserve all these properties, it must be kept at temperatures that are neither too high nor too low.

Being a cured food, Iberian ham does not cause major headaches when it comes to preserving it, and its main ally to maintain all its flavor and texture properties is the cold. According to experts, the optimum temperature for preserving our pieces of Iberian ham is between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius.

This makes it very easy to store it correctly in the cool months and we will only have to temper it when we are going to serve it. As we have mentioned in other articles, if we want to preserve the oily texture that characterizes Iberian ham, we should try to consume it at a stable temperature of between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.

But what happens when it’s hot? During warm seasons it is easier to temper the ham for consumption, but it is more complicated to keep it fresh. It is necessary to be careful that the product does not exceed 25 degrees, levels at which it will begin to sweat and lose fat, the most precious part of the product. In addition, storage at high temperatures will not only damage many of its nutritional properties, but its flavor will be severely affected. To ensure its correct preservation, you can consult our post on how to preserve Iberian ham in summer.

Finally, another important tip for preserving Iberian ham is not to subject it to sudden changes in temperature. In order not to alter any of its properties, it is necessary to give it the time it needs to temper and the care it requires during storage.

Now that you have your César Nieto Iberian ham preserved in the best way, you only have to create the occasion to enjoy the unique experience of tasting it.